Norwegian Christmas Trees

European demand for Norwegian Christmas Trees

Norwegian Trees Popular Export

More and more people in several countries celebrate with Norwegian trees for Christmas. Norway is about to become dominant in the production of Christmas Trees in Europe.

The production if profitable and provides new opportunities for Norwegian farming communities and Norwegian agriculture.

The agriculture minister claims that the Norwegian production of Christmas trees is a resounding success.

Increased Exports

In the course of a few years the export of Christmas trees from Norway has exploded. Five-six years ago there was no such export, this year it is estimated that 140,000 trees will be exported. In the year 2006 the number was 2,500 trees.

Trees are sold to Germany, England, Austria and Switzerland.

The organizations involved with Christmas trees show an increase in planting by about 50 percent. They estimate that the production could easily support the yearly export of two to three million more trees than today.

More professional

The Christmas tree production does not demand great soil quality or terrain. It is well suited to the coast and fjord climate in the western part of Norway.

The value of Christmas tree production is already larger than the Norwegian fruit production.

Along with the USA and Denmark, Norway is among the leading countries in the research and production of Christmas trees.

Growing market

The market for Christmas trees in Norway is growing, and there are today about two million trees with a market value of half a billion Kroner (Norwegian Kroner).

Norwegian Christmas Trees

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